Raagen Materials Testing Machines is taking firm steps forward to become a leading and world-class brand in materials testing sector by offering affordable solutions to manufacturers in many sectors with advanced technology and high quality machine system designs for material testing.

Supported with our test machines and accessories designed in order to quality control of all kinds of materials, many of our customers around the world obtain fast, consistent and reliable test results.


We produce our systems designed by our engineers in our production factory in Ankara/Turkey, in standards of the world's leading test equipment manufacturers, with first class materials. We also have a sales office in London/UK. We have expanded our reference list with the leading brands of our country. Moreover, we export a large part of our production to leading companies in their own sectors in many countries abroad.


Aiming at high consistency and quality in production, Raagen designs and produces universal and dynamic/fatigue test devices, servo actuators, creep/stress rupture test machines, wear and torsion test machines and accessories such as grips for all kinds of standards, test fixtures, high temperature test furnaces, climatical cabinets and test software for manufacturers in a wide range of sectors such as defense industry, medical equipment laboratories, aerospace industry, power generation, automotive spare parts industry, electronic parts manufacturers, composite material manufacturers, plastic manufacturers, iron and steel industry, chemical manufacturers, spring manufacturers. In almost any capacity, we develop complete test systems for special project needs. Every test machine we produce is produced specifically for the needs of our customers and is designed in accordance with international standards such as ISO, ASTM etc.

In addition to the design and production of test equipment, our company also offers modernization services for your existing test machines. In doing so, we offer affordable solutions to your old machines. For your old test systems, our expert technical team first sees your machine on site and determines the needs of your system; We modernize it with new software and control systems, make the necessary mechanical modifications, renew the hydraulic units, if any. We are experienced in the modernization of Instron, Satec, Mts, Tinius Olsen, Baldwin, Forney, Adamel Lhomargy , Testometric, Galdabini, Deltalab, Hounsfield, Zwick Roell, Schenck, Sintech, Walter Bai brand test machines.


The primary goal of Raagen Materials Testing Machines is to ensure that the products we provide to our customers are of high quality, working efficiently and with optimum performance, environmentally friendly, providing maximum savings, complying with the required standards, long-lasting and much more affordable than their counterparts. In this way, we ensure that all kinds of medium-sized and large-capacity production enterprises can meet their testing needs in-house, avoiding unnecessary costs.


Wherever you are, our engineers help you determine your requirements for your needs, while transferring their vast experience in testing and testing machines to our customers, they provide satisfactory technical support at every stage of the process. Whatever you need to test, Raagen is at your disposal!


Contact US

Contact information


+90 532 374 04 90




Ivedik OSB, 1344. Cad, No: 68, Yenimahalle/Ankara


86-90 Paul Street / 3rd Floor
London EC2A 4NE, UK




1602 – 8880 Horton Road SW

Calgary, AB Canada T2V 2W3

Email: m.atta.gburi@piercingstar.co

Cell: +1587-500-4748